Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Your ticket to history

Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States of America on January 20th, 2009.

It will be an unprecedented event in the history of our country, and hundreds of thousands of people will come together in Washington, D.C. to share the moment.

Supporters like you made this happen. You know that real change comes from the bottom up, not from the top down, and Barack and Joe want you to join them on this historic day. They want to start off this administration with the people who worked so hard and will continue to fight for change with them.

Between now and January 8th, 10 supporters and their guests will be selected to join the Inaugural activities.

If you make a donation -- in any amount -- to make the Inauguration a success, you and a guest could be flown to Washington, D.C., put up in a hotel, and be there as Barack is sworn in as the 44th President.

Make a donation of $5 or more right now. You and a guest could receive your ticket to history.

Unlike past inaugurations, this year's event will not be paid for by Washington lobbyists or corporations.

This campaign was funded by 4 million ordinary people giving only what they could afford, and Barack and Joe are counting on you again. Help start this administration off right -- independent of the special interest donors who have shaped Washington for too long.

This Inauguration will be open to as many Americans as possible. We'll all come together to celebrate the hope and optimism that define this movement for change.

But you could be one of 10 selected to join us in Washington for all Inaugural events. Any donation you make between now and January 8th counts -- whatever you can afford.

Show your support for a different kind of politics and a different kind of inauguration with a donation of $5 or more today:


The Inauguration will be a once-in-a-lifetime event. I hope you can join us.

Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you cannot make a donation, you and a guest could still be selected to receive your ticket to history. Learn more here.

Top Google listings are impossible (say what!?)

"Top Google listings are impossible."

Well, if you read the blogs and newsletters nowadays that's the word on the street.

You see, Google and the other major engines are extremely sophisticated. By using advanced Bayesian filters and other techniques, they're able to quickly discern real content from so-called "spam", or computer-created, content.

Until now...!

We're extremely proud to release Markov Engine. Developed by Math PhDs from UC Berkeley, Markov Engine literally turns the tables on the search engines.

Markov Engine WRITES content -- 1000s and 1000s of pages of content -- that is INDISTINGUISHABLE from actual humans. For the first time, you now have computer software that will literally get you 100s of top listings in the engines. Why? Because NO OTHER software can automatically write content, on any topic, that is unique, legible, and will BEAT search engine spam filters.

Check it out: Markov Engine.

Best wishes,

The 1 service you should be using in 2009...

Hey Max, as 2009 is quickly approaching, there's 1 thing that I see as becoming critical to our businesses.

... and that one thing is to "become more transparent" with what we're doing in our online businesses.

As the internet grows and develops, one thing is becoming evident. We cannot ignore the fact that social media is taking over the internet.

It's no longer enough to have just a one way communication between product owner and customer. In my opinion it needs to be a 2 way conversation.

A 2 way conversation where you get to see what I'm doing, working on, etc. each day, and vice versa.

In 2009 it's my goal to become closer friends with everyone.

I can't stand the "big business" mindset, and hopefully you can tell that I like more of a "personal approach".

With that said, I've finally set up a Twitter account. If you don't know what Twitter is, just "Google it", but I'm assuming most people know what it is.

=> http://twitter.com/brad_callen

Someone had already taken the username "brad callen" so I had to use an underscore between my first and last name. It'll serve it's purpose though.

Ok, so if you want to:

1. See what I'm doing on an hourly basis

2. View random pictures I take throughout the day of the office, my home, family etc.

3. Know what books I'm currently learning from

... and so on, then visit below and follow me on Twitter.

Follow these steps to follow me on Twitter:

Step 1: Go to: http://twitter.com/brad_callen and click the "follow" button under my picture. If you don't have an account already, then proceed to step 2 below.

Step 2: If you don't have an account already, you'll need to do this:
=> http://screencast.com/t/HYT0F50Dg4J

Step 3: That's it!

If you don't have a Twitter account, you really should get one, because Twitter is honestly the next big thing. Don't miss out on this one while it's still new.

Go there now and register your name, or you'll end up with an underscore between your first and last name, like I did :-)

Hope you had a nice Holiday, and I hope to hear from you on Twitter!

Talk soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Follow what I'm doing each day by following me on Twitter:
=> http://twitter.com/brad_callen

Monday, December 29, 2008

Here's The Sneak Preview I Promised You

* I apologize if you received this more than once. We're working to fix a "duplicates" glitch in our mail system that is affecting some of my subscribers. (Thank you.)

Here's the SNEAK PREVIEW of what's being released on Tuesday, December 30th at exactly Noon EST.

It's a VERY LIMITED release and I have no choice but to offer it on a first come, first served basis.

(You'll understand after reading all the details.)

Here's Your Sneak Preview:

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Friday, December 26, 2008

More search engine listings = a good thing

So you're still not sold on Search Engine Cloaker?

Okay, let me throw out a few facts for you.

Traffic from search engines is very valuable. It is super-targeted, free, and comes day after day. Search engines create their listings by sending out "spiders" to explore the entire Web.

It's hard to get good listings in search engines because:

* Competitors spend night-and-day submitting highly optimized pages to drown yours out.
* Your site is too small, consisting of only a few pages, meaning you will only get a few listings.
* Your site doesn't use the right combination of keywords.

That's where Cloaker steps in!

Search Engine Cloaker is used by hundreds of top-ranked Webmasters to increase their search engine listings. Cloaker makes the search engine spiders think your site consists of thousands of optimized pages, even if you only have a very small site, or no site at all! With Cloaker, you can get more listings, more quickly, and with better rankings for targeted keywords. Best of all, Cloaker is easy to install, totally configurable, and fun to play with.

Cloaker outsmarts search engines

Cloaker instantly recognizes search engine spiders when they visit your site. Search Engine Cloaker dynamically creates optimized pages for these spiders from keywords that you have picked. These pages have many links that point back to Cloaker. This prompts the spider to explore even more! Each page, when indexed in the engine, will deliver a reliable stream of traffic. Cloaker helps deliver traffic

By showing spiders hundreds of cloaked pages, you increase your listing potential. The more pages, the more listings you get! Real users, when they visit a cloaked page, will instantly be redirected to any URL you choose. They will never see a cloaked page, as they will be server-side redirected to wherever you like! By presenting the spiders with so much variety in the pages, you can get many top keyword rankings.

When you purchase, you get complete, step-by-step installation instructions, including a detailed manual, tips & tricks, and much more! Easy Web-based Management Console lets you control everything! Completely control the keywords that are used to generate the cloaked pages that only the search engines can see. Alter Titles, Meta Keywords, Meta Descriptions, and more!

We believe Cloaker generates traffic more quickly, more reliably, more professionally than any other solution!

Ready to order? Here you go:


Peter Bray

P.S., Call me at 503-231-7383, or just reply to this email, if you have any questions.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Disable "Install missing plugin" message in Firefox

In address bar type about:config and set plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin to true.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Start Firefox in Online Mode on Ubuntu

When you see this message:
Place browser in on-line mode

Type in address bar about:config and set toolkit.networkmanager.disable to true

Monday, December 15, 2008

Get & Give The Deal Of A Lifetime

Pay attention. I mean it. :)

An incredibly valuable once-a-year event starts very soon and you don't want to miss out.

(I'm not kidding.)

Every year some of the world's best Internet marketers give their predictions for the coming year and they raise funds for children in need.

Aside from the fact that you can make a massive difference in the lives of children that can't even afford simple things LIKE FOOD you can get the information and strategies you'll need to make 2009 your best year ever!

I'll be one of the marketers doing a live call during this event (I'm actually on the Board of this great charity) and you definitely don't want to miss out.

* If you can't attend one of the 30+ LIVE interviews you don't have to worry - you'll get access to all the recordings so you can listen to them on your own schedule. And you'll also get some amazing bonuses too!

I would personally like to ask you, no, BEG YOU for your help. We are really making an incredible difference in the lives of so many kids that can't help themselves and really have no other way to have a better life.

So please JOIN ME for this valuable event and help some children that need you at the same time:


I look forward to seeing you on my call!

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Install Webalizer on Gentoo and use Cron

Webalizer is a program that analyses your apache webserver log and generates webpages complete with graphs of the traffics.

It's a little bit more difficult to install than logrotate. Start by emerging webalizer, which will install the files on your computer.

# emerge -av webalizer

Currently the text messages after installing webalizer are a bit outdated, contrary to what it says don't add anything to the apache.conf file, apache2 already will read the config file for webalizer because it's in the /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d directory. But you do need to restart apache to get webalizer to work:

# /etc/runlevels/default/apache2 restart

If you look at http://localhost/webalizer you will still see nothing, this is because no stat files have been generated yet. Create a new file called webalizer.cron (such as the cron.daily directory, if you want updated stats to build each night).
File: /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

#! /bin/sh

Now you have created the file, but you must also make it executable in order for cron to be able to run it.

# chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

To test that it's executable, and to generate your first stats you just run the program. Do this by typing in its name:

# /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

You will see some output from webalizer that it generates the information, and you can now visit your local computer under the http://localhost/webalizer and see your stats.

Edit /etc/webalizer.conf:
LogFile /var/log/apache2/access_log
OutputDir /home/webmaster/www/domain.tld/webalizer/

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is crazy... He makes $100,000/day without a website or a product.

Hey Max, about 1 month ago I was invited to a private seminar help in Las Vegas. I didn't end up going because I hadn't heard of the guy that was doing the teaching.

It was some 25 year old kid that was supposedly banking 50,000 to 100,000 bucks per day without a website, product, or email list.

I just brushed it off as a "yeah, right... that's just plain stupid, and can't be true." I mean, who really makes that much? Nobody I know.

Well, come to find out, many of my internet marketing friends were also given the private invite to this seminar in Vegas.

Some of the guys that attended were BIG name gurus like:

- Mike Filsaime
- Russel Brunson
- Eben Pagen
- Brad Fallon
- Tellman Knudson

... and a bunch of other guys

After speaking with them after the seminar, I wanted to kick myself in the face for not attending. They were all blown away... and if these guys were blown away, I'm 100% certain what was taught had to be true, and had to be something that's not common knowledge.

Anyway, here I am 1 month later and was just told that the 25 year old kid that put on the seminar and taught his strategies is teaching EVERYTHING taught at the seminar, again, in a 12 week coaching course! (pardon my excitement)

I signed up this morning and wanted to let you know that the site is still up, so apparently he's allowing more people in. I have no idea how many more slots he has, but based on previous experience with these types offers, only so many can be sold.

I STRONGLY urge you to go to the site and read up on what we'll be learning together from this coaching class.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm

I don't think I've been this excited about a product since John Reese launched Traffic Secrets many years ago.

So, again, if you're looking for an actual proven "system" for making more cash online - a system that nobody knows about, then don't pass this up.

Here's where you can get a copy:

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm

I hope you're excited as I am. Enjoy!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
Here's the link 1 more time, if you skipped through the entire
email to the PS.
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do you get enough traffic to your niche sites? (be honest)

Short message for you today. 2 things I think you'll enjoy:

1. I want to tell you about a super easy way to get traffic to your websites that works every time, and most people don't take it seriously enough.

2. I want to tell you a quick story about the first product I ever sold on the internet. This is what gave me my start.

Ok, before we get to the first one above, let me quickly tell you about the first thing I ever sold online.

It was a weight loss eBook, which I wrote and sold from my dinky little health and fitness website.

I wrote my own salescopy to sell my eBook. The salescopy was absolutely horrible. I remember getting around a .03% conversion rate. That's not even a half of a percent!

Anyway, while my conversions on this sales letter were ridiculously bad, I still managed to make about $13,000 per month from selling that 1 eBook for only $19.95! That's ALOT of eBooks to sell to make that much money... and some very good money for being a complete newbie to marketing on the internet.

How'd I do it? Good question...

I got ALOT of traffic to the site, and I mean ALOT. I remember getting 12,000-15,000 visitors to the site per day, on average!

And it all came from free search engine traffic!

With that much traffic, a horrible conversion rate really didn't matter. It didn't matter that I had no idea how to "sell". I had a ton of people seeing the salesletter, so naturally I made quite a few sales.

With that much traffic, I could quickly learn how to increase my conversions. Without traffic, I would basically have gone nowhere.

Alright, so based on that, the important part of generating income online is getting traffic. If you have a lot of traffic, you can have no idea how to sell, and still earn quite a bit online.

Which leads me to the other topic I wanted to tell you about, which is an easy way you can get a lot more traffic to your site, like I did, and continue to do. I would venture to say it's one of the top 2 easiest way to generate traffic to your site.

If you wanted a lot of traffic, you would typically expect it to come from the search engines. And to get traffic from the search engines, you need to rank at the top, obviously.

There are several ways to increase your site's rankings in the search engines, but what I've found to be the absolute best way is to get loads of ONE-WAY "backlinks" pointing to your site.

This tells the search engines that your site is important.
The more links there are pointing to your site, the higher your search engine rankings will be. PERIOD!

From my own experience, I've found article marketing to be THE best way to get backlinks to your site.

If you really break it down to its simplest form:

More backlinks = higher search engine rankings = more traffic!

So how do you get these one-way backlinks to your niche sites?
Easy... Article Marketing

I know what you're thinking, article marketing has been around for ages. Well, it has, but guess what? 99% of people are doing it completely wrong and getting only 5% of the traffic they SHOULD
be getting.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/simply-plr.htm

The idea behind article marketing is that you write an article on a niche topic to your website, add a link inside the article that points to your website, submit that article to several of the
biggest article directories online, and then sit back and watch how well-dispersed those links become across the internet.

I had heard of people doing this, but I was somewhat skeptical if it actually worked. You'll be surprised how many backlinks you can actually get by doing this. I know I was.

After just a few months of doing article marketing, I started seeing my sites in the top 5 positions for VERY competitive keywords, because of getting these quality, 1-way backlinks from other people's sites. And this has continued for a very long time. This isn't like joint venture traffic, or other short term traffic methods.This is LONG-TERM, which is what I want.

With that said, my brother, Matt has just created a brand new service where he's literally providing you with ALL of the article marketing material you need for guaranteed traffic generation to your niche sites.

Even better, he's including his proprietary blogging automation software that he's never-before released to the public.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/simply-plr.htm

Head over there now to check out all of the details.

I can tell you that the membership seats are limited, as it's on a first-come first-serve basis and opens today at 12:00 noon, EST.

Good luck! And in a couple of weeks please let me know how much your rankings are increasing. I'm eager to hear from you.

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
Go here to get easy traffic to your websites:
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/simply-plr.htm

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Make a sale once, get paid again and again and again...

By now you should know what continuity programs or "membership sites" are. It's essentially where you sell a subscription to a private-access web site.

You charge $19/month... $95/month... or even $300/month.

It all depends on what you are offering. But know this...

In many markets people are VERY HAPPY to pay you fees like this on an ongoing basis. Some will even pay you every month FOR YEARS.

Membership sites work very very well online. The Internet is practically tailor-made for it because it makes managing a subscription site very easy.

Membership sites are one of the best ways to build CONSISTENT growing income into your business. Because you make a sale ONE-TIME to a customer and that customer can continue to pay you every month. (For as long as they stay an active subscriber to your membership site.)

Every entrepreneur online needs to examine their business model and niche market and see if a membership site will work for it. Because it's really a no-brainer.

There are many marketers online that are generating millions of dollars per year from membership site programs like I am talking about.

I've personally had my own programs where thousands of people have paid up to $100/month for membership. The numbers really add up quickly and it can generate a lot of cash flow.

By now you might have seen some other promos for Ryan Deiss' "Continuity Blueprint" coaching program.

Ryan is a good friend of mine and he's an expert at building membership sites from scratch; and making a lot of money from them.

But the most impressive thing about Ryan is that he has created a 'formula' for creating a successful membership site and he has personally applied it to several DIFFERENT MARKETS himself and has made a lot of money.

So he's not just someone that's 'teaching' he's actually applying it himself.

If you are interested in creating your own membership site, or exploding the growth of one you made already have, you really should look into his training that's being released today.

I really mean it when I say, "Ryan really knows his stuff and can help you."


1. Ryan is doing a live UStream videocast show today. He'll be answering questions about membership sites and lots of other great stuff. Depending on when you get this email you can hopefully check him out during his LIVE show:

2. After 3PM EST today his "Continuity Blueprint" training program is opening up. This is a step-by-step training where Ryan will help anyone start their own membership site in less than 6 weeks.

You can get all the details and register for the training here:


If you haven't yet seen it, go to his site and click the top yellow tab "Click To Watch The Videos" and watch the first video titled, "Million Dollar Napkin."

That "Million Dollar Napkin" video should really get your head spinning with ideas for making a lot of money using this membership model.

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

The #1 Overlooked Cash-Producer...

If you want to make a lot of money in your business (especially marketing it online) then there's one area where you need to excel...


*Gag* right? ;-)

Not so fast.

Very few of us are born as gifted writers. In fact, many of us (myself included most of the time) actually HATE WRITING.

I find it boring and it takes too much time.

However, I realize that the bulk of the money that you'll make with your marketing all comes down to WRITING -- and beyond that, your ability to *communicate* with your customers and prospects.

What stuff to say...

How to say it...

How to get people to pull out their credit cards and 'salivating' over your products and services...

And more.

Know what the majority of Internet millionaires have in common? They do a killer job of writing emails to their list as well as writing persuasive copy for their web sites.

If you honestly get GOOD at this valuable skill it makes all the difference in the world with how much money you'll make.

And knowing how to write good copy goes way beyond the writing itself. It's more about how to find the emotional hot buttons to push that make your prospects take action.

It's also about figuring out exactly what your prospects WANT and DESIRE and then how to sell it to them (or refer them to someone else that will and you earn a commission.)

I can honestly say that I am a self-made multi-millionaire today because I am a pretty decent copywriter. I'm certainly not one of the best in the world, but you don't have to be to use that skill to make a small fortune.

And, Yes, you can certainly hire a copywriter to write copy for you, but that's never going to be enough. Are you going to have someone write every email you ever send to your list? Or every entry you ever make on a blog or web site? It 99.9% of businesses, of course not.

So you need to learn how to write powerful copy yourself. It's really not that hard once you "get it." And it can actually make writing...

Wait for it... FUN. Yep. I said "fun" and "writing" in the same context. I know, big shocker. ;-)

When it comes to learning how to write words that bring in cash there's one guy's stuff I find myself reading more than any other...


John has been one of the top copywriters on the planet for many, many years. He just, well, has it figured out.

And John's also a GREAT TEACHER. I'm so grateful that a few years ago he decided to teach others how to use words to bring in tons of cash. I've learned a TON from him and have made a lot of money as a result. (Thanks, John!)

If you're truly serious about making a lot money in your business I highly recommend you check something out...

John Carlton is releasing a new course...

"Simple Writing System"

He has taken the often SCARY (and boring) subject of copywriting and has turned it into an easy-to-learn, step-by-step formula that anyone can follow to produce cash in their business right away.


Even if you aren't interested in this course (which I think everyone should have in their marketing library) you can learn a lot for free just from the great interviews he's recently recorded with some top Internet marketers...

You can check out all the good stuff here:

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Video: I show you how you can get a top Google Ranking!

Hey Max, I just finished up a special video where I recorded myself doing some "tricky" search engine optimization tactics on my computer.

I do it all live, unrehearsed, so you get to see exactly what I would do to figure out how to get a top Google ranking for basically any keyword phrase.

I made this video ONLY for you since you are part of the IMWishlist.com community, having downloaded Article Submitter.

Here's the link to the video. I know you'll get ALOT out of it as I show you that it's really not all that difficult to increase your Google ranking.

=> http://www.imwishlist.com/GoogleRankingVideo.htm

That's it for now, more videos coming soon :-)

Have a great week!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just heard about this. You've gotta check it out.

Hi Max, it's Monday and I'm sure you're nice and busy at work this morning. I'm trying to catch up on a lot of things here in the office as well.

I wanted to send you a quick email and let you know about a contest that one of my online marketing friends is putting on, where he's doing a couple things that have never been done before. Things that are a complete win win for you or I wouldn't waste your time telling you about it.

1. He's teaching a truly step by step method for building an internet business. And he's doing it with tutorial videos (both live and recorded)

2. He's giving the winner of the contest a brand new corvette! I know, it's crazy... but REALLY cool.

And the contest and training is FREE!

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/100-million-challenge.htm

Why is he doing this? For those that care, there's a couple reasons:

1. He's hoping to teach his "students" to make a total of 100 million bucks through his contest. He's hoping to teach 100,000 people to each make 1,000 bucks, which would total 100 million.

If he's able to do this, just think about all of the credibility this will give him, and he'll be able to better sell his paid products later down the road.

2. He's raising money to support a charity called World Teacher Aid which gives to children in El Salvador and Ghana, Africa.

The training went live last week and you'll get instant access to all of it when you signup. I've been following along with it and it's the exact same stuff I would be teaching if I put on a contest like this where I had to teach you how to earn 1,000+ bucks in a short
period of time.

I wanted to make sure it was good before I told you about it and it's MUCH better than good. I'd go out on a limb and say it's better than any paid course I've bought on internet marketing.

To summarize,

1. You get to finally learn step by step instructions on how to start an internet business that actually earns income.

2. You get to do this by watching recorded AND live video training

3. You get all this free

4. You get to enter for a chance to win a brand new Corvette!

Go here to sign up and get access to all the training videos, and the contest and corvette. I want to see one of you guys win the corvette!

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/100-million-challenge.htm

Good luck!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Just go here and sign up to compete to win the Corvette:
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/100-million-challenge.htm

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Get my Free 137 page Google Rankings book mailed to your house!

Hi Max, originally we only printed 200 copies of The SEO Mindset book. I let you know about how you could get a free copy of it late last week. In only a few hours, all 200 were snatched up, and have been mailed out.

Since then, I've gotten ALOT of emails asking if we're planning on printing more copies. I just got off the phone with our product fullfillment company and I ordered several more for everyone.

So, if you hurry, you can return to the website now and order a free copy of my new search engine optimization book that teaches the same strategies I use to rank on the top of Google for nearly
any keyword I want.

Just visit below and fill out the information to let us know where you want me to ship it.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/200GoogleBooks.htm

And again, thanks for all of your kind words over the years. I truly hope you get ALOT out of this book and it changes your life!

Have a fantastic week!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Go here to claim your free Google rankings book:
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/200GoogleBooks.htm

Friday, October 3, 2008

Get my free Google Rankings Book mailed to you. Only 200 copies left!

Hi Max, I won't take much of your time, but just wanted to let you know that I'm giving away 200 copies of a brand new search engine optimization course that I've recently created, as a special
"thank you" for sticking with me over the many years online.

The course is not an eBook, or downloadable product. It's an actual book that we'll mail directly to your house. It's 137 pages long and contains everything I know about getting top search engine rankings.

The course could very easily be sold for a couple hundred dollars at the minimum.

We've only created 200 copies at our product fullfillment center, so it's on a first come, first serve basis. I'm emailing this message out to roughly 200,000 others, so the 200 copies will
likely be snatched up pretty quick.

You can go below to grab a free copy of the course, plus you'll also get a free 30 day membership to try out a brand new, private SEO membership website I've just opened. As well as a free copy of
something else that's very very powerful, which isn't advertised on the webpage, so please keep this "hush hush".

Just tell me where you want us to ship it and we'll mail it directly to your house as a "thank you" for sticking with me over the years. I absolutely love the internet and hope that you've learned and will continue learning from me for many many years to come.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/200GoogleBooks.htm

So, again, thank you and be sure to get over to the site now to grab one of the remaining 200 copies before they're gone.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/200GoogleBooks.htm

Hope you're having an awesome week and I'll talk to you soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Get Stomping the Search Engines II Free now!

Hi, yesterday I sent you an email telling you about a new, free video course called Stomping The Search Engine II.

The course was supposed to be available yesterday at 3pm, but due to some technical issues they were having with too many people hitting their website at once, they were forced to close the site until today at 2pm EST (Thursday) I know, it sounds like some "marketing ploy", but based on the apology video on their site now, I'm very confident in saying it wasn't.

They have a video on their site now explaining what happened yesterday: http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

The course will be made available today (Thursday) at 2pm EST.

When something this stinking good is free, they're basically asking for all kinds of unforseen problems, in my opinion. In this case, it came in the form of TOO much traffic at once.

Anyway, as I said yesterday, this course was originally built to sell for $297+ and I've heard others estimated it to be worth $497. Whatever the case is, it's some awesome stuff.

I received a beta copy of it about 1 week ago and will go on record saying you'd be crazy to not get this at the free price tag they decided on...

Here's my brief summary I listed in the email yesterday:

What? Version 2 of the single best SEO course on the planet, ever.
When? You can get it at 2pm EST today (Thursday)
How much? It's free! I believe you just have to cover shipping.
Where: http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

Hopefully things will go much smoother today for them than yesterday and you'll be able to snatch up a free copy of Stomping The Search Engines II.

So, go here after 2pm today and keep your fingers crossed that the page will load.

=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

If all of the people that have emailed me since yesterday decide to go back to get a copy today at 2pm, I think the website might be slow loading again, so just be patient and let it load.

That's all for now. Hope your week's going really well!

Talk soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Here's the link where you can get a free copy of the brand new search engine optimization course:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

Urgent: (Free) Brand new Google Course!

I'll make this short and sweet.

What? Version 2 of the single best SEO course on the planet, ever.
When? You can get it at 3pm EST today (Wednesday)
How much? It's free!
Where: http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

The creators of the course are 2 guys that I personally know and have worked with. They're brilliant marketers, but more importantly, they're brilliant SEO's.

These guys leave out the BS and cut straight to the point with real life examples on how to get ANY website to the top of Google.

I know for a fact they planned on selling this course for around $297+ but about a month before launch, they decided to go a different route to make sure any and everybody would have a fair
shot at getting it. Plus, I'm sure there's some marketing plan behind it, but who cares... All I care about is that it's free to us.

The course is awesome. The price is awesome. Plus, they're even throwing in a trial to their new SEO magazine as a side bonus.

I'm clueless as to if this is going to be something that is open forever, or if it's something that will "sell out" and not be made available again, so what I would suggest is to just go there
now and get it because it's free!

Here's the link again:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm


Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Get Stomping The Search Engines II for free here:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

Last chance to get 16 guru products completely free!

Hi, I wanted to send you a quick reminder to let you know that the offer to get completely free products from 16 of the internet's biggest gurus is ending at the end of the day today.

You can get special products, for free, from these gurus:

- Rich Schefren
- Jeff Johnson
- Ed Dale
- Jeff Mulligan
- Yanik Silver
- Trey Smith
- Eben Pagan
- Brad Callen (woo hoo, I made the list!)
- Shawn Casey
- Mike Filsaime
- Paul Colligan
- Jeff Walker
- Howie Schwartz
- Jason Potash
- Clayton Makepeace
- Mike Koenigs

To see what all these guys want to give you, just go here:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm

Basically, they're doing this as a special favor to the guys at Stompernet.

So, rather than ONLY getting a free copy of Stomping The Search Engines II, which is a pretty incredible bargain, you're also going to get free products from all the guys above, just for
getting a free copy of the Stomping the Search Engines II SEO video course. Sounds ridiculous, I know.

And as I mentioned before, all you have to do is cover the VERY small shipping and handling cost for them to ship you the videos.

Oh, and you also get a free 1 month subscription to their monthly magazine, which I have sitting on my desk right now. Very good reading :-)

You basically just pay a couple bucks to get the videos, which I can promise you are worth more than any other SEO product you've ever paid for.

There's no better deal around, anywhere, right now.

Anyway, go there now and take a look at the amazing stuff that they're giving away.

=> http://www.imwishlist.com/StompingSearchEngines2.htm


Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I wanted you to see this a few hours earlier

Personal Income Coaching goes live tomorrow (Thursday) August 28th at 12:00 noon central standard time. I will be opening the program up to just 15 people, and when I send the email out tomorrow, over 60,000 people on my lists will be receiving it.
So I wanted to give you a chance to learn everything up front (including the price) before the mad rush tomorrow, in case you want to try to snag one of the 15 openings.
I have posted the program outline live on my site (the order button is disabled) so that you can decide now if this one of a kind coaching and mentoring program is right for you.
That way you wont loose the chance tomorrow wasting time reading the page. My shopping cart cuts off orders at 15 and then gives an out of stock error so I know there will be a lot of disappointed people.
In this program we will be working together side by side to build your online business, through live 1-on-1 phone calls, emails, group training sessions, and Q&A.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and working with you should we both decide this is the right program for you to finally accomplish your online income goals.
Oh, that reminds me, please read the section about who should not join the program, there are certain situations where I can not allow someone to join and the page will explain this in detail.
Hope to see you on the inside tomorrow, until then spend a few minutes and decide now if you will
be one of the 15!
Scott Boulch
Nada Guru

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Top Personal Income Training question answered!

First, I want to thank you for all the great questions that I have been getting back about the new coaching program "Personal Income Training" that I will be opening up later this week.
I got back a huge number of emails with statements like "This is exactly the kind of help I've been waiting for".
I know there are a lot of marketers that are ready to make the commitment to take their online income from zero or small to full time and all they need is someone
to guide them and coach them to the finish line!
That’s exactly what this program will do for you if you are one of the 15 or so that make it in to the program.
Here is the number one question I've been getting about the "Personal Training For Income" program.
1) What exactly is the program?
Personal Training for Income is exactly what it says, Personal Training!
Just as a personal trainer in a gym develops a specific program just for you and your situation, together we will do just the same.
First we will spend an hour on the phone together going over your specific goals and what you would like to accomplish online. Then we will develop a specific game plan based on your strengths, talents and my one on one coaching.
We will then create a laser focused strategy and a specific set of action steps to accomplish your goals.
Then we will continue this process each month with follow up calls, private email access, and special live training calls where I reveal my personal income strategies that I have never shared with the public.
In fact, the strategies that I share with this small set of people, are not well known and if the general population found out about them, they would no longer be as effective.
For that reason I will require that each member of the coaching group sign and fax back to me a Non Disclosure agreement, and Terms and Conditions agreement.
To help accomplish your goals, I will sharing all of my personal resources, my personal rolodex, and access through me to experts in each area of online marketing.
When necessary we will enlist the talents of an entire master mind of the top Internet Marketers and incorporate their expertise in to your plan.
Need a killer custom programmer, got ya covered, need a low cost overseas programmer, check, how about a graphic designer, done, want to use a virtual assistant, Covered, viral list building expert, done, want to produce online video, check, how about becoming a rock star in your market or niche and dominating the natural traffic in that market, no sweat!
You will also get immediate access to all of my software products, and seminar recordings. These programs cost hundreds of dollars per month to the general population and some paid as much as $3,000 in product purchases to attend these seminars!
The coaching program will be limited to a very small group of people. I haven't set the final number yet, but based on the personal nature of this program and my time
commitments I can only handle around 15 or so coaching clients.
The program will have a monthly fee and while you may cancel the coaching at any time, I am only looking for those few people ready to make a long term commitment of at least 12 months and follow through!
I received a few emails from people who are unfortunately at a point of desperation and on the brink of financial disaster. Let me be clear this program is not for those who are at a point of financial meltdown.
Also I will not be accepting any opportunity seekers! This program is not a trick, technique or method to game the system or make a fast temporary buck online.
What Personal Income Coaching will do is create and execute a solid long term plan for massive income online that can provide large long term recurring income.
During our first one on one phone call if you or I decide that the program is not for you, I will cancel your subscription and refund your first months payment no questions asked and we can part friends.
Because the space is so limited I want to make sure only the most appropriate people become part of the program.
I will be sharing more details as the week goes on, and how you can be accepted in to the program.
Please keep the questions coming and I will get them answered.
I look forward to working with you to build your long term future online!
Scott Boulch
Nada Guru

A Personal Trainer for Income!

Have you ever wondered how people can go to the gym for months or years with no results, then after just a few weeks of using a personal trainer show dramatic results?
What if there were personal trainers for generating Income Online?
Someone to hold you by the hand and work with you every step of the way UNTIL you got results!
A person who had achieved massive income results in a short period of time and then agreed to share exactly how that happened and better yet, coach and train you until
you achieved dramatic results?
Well Maxim, next week, you will have the opportunity to get those results.
For the first time in my Internet Marketing career I will begin working with a very small number of people on a one on one basis to finally help them get the results they have been working so hard to achieve.
White Hat, Black Hat, and everything in between will be revealed to this small group of people.
In fact a few of the techniques are so valuable I will be requiring that each person sign a non disclosure agreement.
Some of you may know that I recently moved my parents down to Dallas from Missouri, and they needed an income to replace the part time job they held in retirement back home.
In one month I generated a turn key $6,000 income for them using just one of these techniques. But more importantly than a quick buck, I love to teach and help
others make money and develop long term strategies for building a online empire!
It's why I published so many eBooks teaching exact methods then gave them all away!
Starting next week I will get the chance to partner with 10-15 people and develop their own personal plan, then coach them every step of the way to Results!
I cant wait!
If you think you are at a point in your Internet Marketing Career to go from participant to Results, watch your email over the next few days, Ill be sharing more about the coaching program I've put together for you!
If you have specific questions reply back and Ill try to get them all answered in the next email update!
Until then keep an eye out for the next email.

Scott Boulch
Nada Guru

Our Private Mentor Program now open (only 10 seats available!)

It's finally ready...
Over the past 5 years I've been asked almost daily if we offer any sort of coaching, mentoring, consulting etc. and up until today, my answer has always been, "sorry, we don't".
As of today, that is no longer the case. But, it's very likely in a few minutes from now, we won't be able to accept anymore students for 1-on-1 coaching.
I've just opened up our brand new Elite Mentoring program, but we can only accept 10 students. And in order to be fair, it is on a first come, first serve basis.
* As a fair warning, I feel obligated to let you know that this email notification is being sent out to over 200,000 others. We want to make this the most exclusive coaching program of its kind, and in order to offer the extreme level of personal, 1-on-1 experience to you, we can only accept 10 people.
Obviously this will fill up extremely fast, so if you're interested in learning 1-on-1, directly from us... and I do mean 1-on-1, then visit the link below to learn more before the spots fill up.
=> http://www.elitementoring.org
Based on the demand for our coaching, the 10 spots may be filled before you get a chance to read the website. If that's the case, please accept my sincerest apologies, as we just can't handle anymore than 10 people at this time.
Have a fantastic week and I hope to be able to meet and mentor you in the near future.
Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Go here to learn how you can be mentored by us. Only 10 spots
are being accepted at this time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Urgent: I want to do this for you

Hi Max, this year I've really contemplated doing something crazy. Something that will do 2 things:

1. MASSIVELY help you with your online marketing "venture", guaranteed. And I will go as far as saying there is nothing that will help you more with your business than this, period.

2. Take up a tremendous amount of my team's resources and time (this is mostly the reason I'm just "contemplating" it and not actually doing it... yet)

You're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about.

Well, here's the deal...

Over the years I've built a very very very smart team of internet marketers who work with me on a daily basis. It's this team of marketers that has helped me create the successful internet business I've been fortunate enough to be a part of.

As you've likely seen, many internet marketers are raising the bar with the various things they're offering.

Well, I want to trump anything anyone's likely ever offered you and potentially give you access to this "thing", but I need to know what you think before I pursue this huge time commitment for
everyone on my team.

If you could please take just a moment and quickly answer this extremely short, 2 question survey, it will help me decide whether or not this is something you would truly want.

As we've all been taught in the past... we should provide people with what they "want" rather than what you know they "need".

I know this is something that I, personally, "needed" when I got started online, but wasn't available.

Anyway... please take 60 seconds of your time and answer this 2 question, multiple choice survey to tell me if this is something you would "want".

Go here: http://www.imwishlist.com/tell-me.htm

Looking forward to hearing what you think!

Talk soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Please go here. Take 60 seconds and let me know if this is
something you'd want: http://www.imwishlist.com/tell-me.htm

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Security threat report

This report gives a comprehensive insight into the events and trends that emerged during the first half of 2008, and helps businesses to stay ahead of today’s increasingly covert threats.

Friday, August 8, 2008

This is how the "gurus" make money with Adsense

I'll only take a moment of your time...

I get asked all the time if I know how the "gurus" make so much money on the internet with Adsense, and my answer is an emphatic YES, every single time.

What they do is not hard. In fact, what they personally do is actually not a whole lot.

Here's the steps in a nutshell.

1. Get PLR articles (not just any crappy articles, they have to be very specific articles, and this is what 99.9% of people don't do right. I'll tell you where to get them below)

2. Post them to a blog or website (often outsourced to someone)

3. Get a few links to the blog or website (also outsourced)

4. Rinse and repeat

Does that sound difficult? Absolutely not.

So, why doesn't everybody and their brother do it? Well, to be honest almost everybody DOES "try" to do it... but they miss out on step #1 I mentioned above. "Think" it doesn't work, and then quit.

You have to have the RIGHT articles to put on your site or this will not work. You, me, or anyone else will fail, guaranteed, if step #1 is not done correctly.

Problem is, very few people know how to get the "right" articles that will attract traffic to their Adsense pages.

Problem solved...

I'm going to tell you exactly where to get the articles every single month. The articles that the "gurus" use.

But, here's the thing. They only open their site for a VERY brief time and then close it for a LONG time, because, quite frankly, they get swarmed with so many people upfront, they only want so many people using their service (they don't want to dilute the effectiveness for their users)

This morning I was "IM'd" on Yahoo Instant Messenger telling me the place you can get these articles is open, but not for long.

Here's the link to the service that ALL the Adsense gurus I know use to get their articles:

=> http://www.imwishlist.com/Articles.htm

And what's even better for you. When you get the articles today, they're giving free access to an article marketing service that they're going to charge everyone else $47/month to use!

But, in order to get this, you have to get onboard before the doors close. Here's the link one more time:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/Articles.htm

If it's closed by the time you get there, don't hate me.
I told you as soon as I could :-)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

All the traffic your server can handle at no charge!

I'm about to show you how to get all the traffic you can handle to any site you choose at no charge.

In fact this is the very statement that got me in to the Internet Marketing game over five years ago.

That statement turned out to be true based on a specific set of strategies we used in 2003.

Now in 2008 there is another specific set of strategies that will create the same result, but this time you can learn them all at no charge.

Go here now and prepare yourself for the ultimate traffic strategy, delivered to you one step at a time by streaming video. (all 17 of them)


This is one of those situations when it makes sense to change your plans and get a notebook and take down detailed noted before they wake up, come to their senses and start charging us for this information!

I have a few more equally cool surprises for you in the near future and this fall proves to be the most profitable you have ever had!

Keep an eye on your inbox but for now don’t miss this awesome exploit!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Online income?

Let me ask you a simple question...

Could you use some extra money?

You could?Great!

And if I could show you how to earn an extra $250.00 ormore per day, and all you'd need to spend is a couple of hours a day atyour home computer, would that intrigue you?

Then read on...

I recently came across a site which is giving away anextraordinary system for making money, a system which is enablingordinary people just like you and me to make large amounts of moneyonline.

At first I was a little sceptical but I’ve now earnedover $3,500 since I discovered this unique opportunity. I’m notsure how long it will last so you should act now and make the most of itwhilst you still can.


Just follow the link above and you will gain free access tothe guide, and you can start makingmoney within 15 minutes of reading the simple step-by-stepinstructions.

It’s not like anything elseyou’ve seen before. There are hundreds of people making money fromthis method and you have the opportunity to join themtoday.

All you need is a computer and internetaccess.

Why I’m telling you this? I don’t lose anythingfrom passing on this information this is a money making system thatshould be used by as many people as possible whilst it’s stillavailable. As soon as you visit the site everything will becomeclear.

So don’t let this opportunity slip past you.I’m not sure how long this guide will be available for free so getyour membership now whilst you still can by goingto:


Have you seen the Syndk8 Auto Pligg Submitter?

Have you seen the Syndk8 Auto Pligg Submitter?

For about 3 years i have wanted to have exclusive tools for Syndk8 or do more with it.

You know how it is though and i got busy with other things.

Thankfully now i have things more in balance and i am able to devote some time to things i have wanted to for years.

We are in the process of launching a set of killer tools to our members.

These are real tools that actually work and will bring you results.

Many people don't want me to release the toolset but i am sick of people selling crappy subscription toolset's for $1000 a year that just don't work.

Content is no problem and but links are surely still the King of SEO.

As i look through the online list in syndk8 the bigger players always go to the link spamming section because its still a daily challenge.

No matter how big or small the industry player is they will always struggle for links.

The tools i will be releasing will all be aimed at gathering quality links and lots of them.

The first tool i have to release is the Syndk8 Pligg Automator.

This tool is awesome for kick starting your viral campaigns and gathering good quality links to sites that even bring quality traffic as well as rankings.

We put it in pre release a few days ago to test some things and now it is finally available for download.

You can pick up your copy at the Syndk8 Toolshed now..

The support thread is here.

Please reply in the thread or start a new thread if you have any questions.

Best regards, Earl Grey.

Once again, here is the link to the Syndk8 Auto Pligg Tool.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Google.be cache date

Did google stop showing cache date in google.be, look what I found:
G o o g l e's cache is de momentopname die we van deze pagina hebben gemaakt toen we het web doorzochten. De pagina kan ondertussen gewijzigd zijn. Klik hier voor de huidige pagina zonder selectie Gebruik de volgende URL om deze pagina aan je Favorieten toe te voegen of ernaar te linken:
I don't know this language, but also cannot see any figures :) Strange google as always.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Last chance to get SEO and Keyword Elite for free!

Hi Max, last week I sent you an email letting you know that internet marketing guru, John Reese, was releasing version 2.0 of his famous Traffic Secrets homestudy course.

It was Traffic Secrets 1.0 that taught me the importance of building an email list. It's through this email newsletter that I've been able to build strong friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. It's transformed the way I do business on the internet.

Last week, I told you that I would give you a copy of all of our best selling programs for free, which would offset the cost of the Traffic Secrets 2.0 course for you.

I originally planned on closing this offer last Friday, but I'd received several emails from subscribers asking if I could make it available for a few more days.

Because I've given away so many copies of SEO Elite, Keyword Elite, and Linkmetro Advanced already, I can only leave this offer open until this Wednesday at midnight. After then, if you purchase Traffic Secrets 2.0, you will unfortunately not be eligible for the bonuses.

If you've been considering getting Traffic Secrets 2.0 but have been putting it off, I would go there now and grab a copy... if you want to get your free copies of:

1. SEO Elite ($167 value)
2. Keyword Elite ($176 value)
3. Linkmetro Advanced (lifetime membership - $240+ value)

Here's what you need to do to receive a free copy of each of the programs above:

1. Go here and get Traffic Secrets 2.0:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm

2. Contact Nancy or Jim in the help desk and give them the following:
- receipt number for Traffic Secrets 2.0
- first and last name
- email address
- website you want upgraded to Advanced in Linkmetro

3. That's it. Nancy or Jim will send you download information for all 3 products. Then just enjoy the course and ALL of our best selling products!

I hope this email finds you in good health, and I hope you and your loved ones are having a nice summer so far.

I'll talk to you soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Grab Traffic Secrets 2.0 here and get all of our best selling
products for free!
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Limited-Time Bonus Offer

Traffic Secrets 2.0 has officially been launched. After years in development it has finally been released...

And the Internet Marketing industry has been LOVING IT. Not only the tremendous content they realize is in the course but also the low price and amazing offer that comes with it.


My good friend, Frank Kern, is one of the top Internet marketers in the world and he's doing something really great...

He is going to be giving away two special bonus DVDs to *all* people that order Traffic Secrets 2.0 before midnight tonight.
It doesn't matter what link you use to buy it.

Here's The Official TS2 Site:

If you want to take advantage of this really nice gesture by Frank, read the following details of an email he sent his own list about what he's doing and why...

* Frank gave me permission to send this to my own lists...

---- Begin Email From Frank Kern ----

It's true.

I really AM giving away DVDs to every single person who buys Traffic Secrets 2.0 ...no matter
what link they buy it from.

I don't care about the commission.

The only "catch" is you need to get your copy of Traffic Secrets before Midnight on July 16th.

(I know my email from yesterday said it expired tonight ...but I extended it because I feel like
being super nice.)


You don't have to send me a receipt or do *anything*.

John Reese is going to contact me after tomorrow and say "this many people bought, so send me this many DVDs".

I'll have the DVDs shipped to his fulfillment center and he'll send them to you directly.


I'm not getting paid for this one. It's on the house.

I'm doing it as a gesture of friendship towards John and because a little bit of good will on your market goes a LOOOONNNNG way.

(Big lesson there.)

So all you have to do is get Traffic Secrets 2.0 from anyone on the the planet before midnight
July 16th, and you'll get two DVDs from me.

No cost. No strings. No shenanigans.


DVD #1: Core Influence (approx 2 hours).

This is the most important content I can possibly give you.
MORE important that *any* marketing stuff, sales stuff, or anything else. Period.

On this DVD, I show you the most powerful exercise I've ever done (by pure chance, by the way.)

This one exercise is responsible for me living in a multi-million dollar home at the beach and living a life I honestly thought was reserved for celebrities and world leaders exclusively.

No kidding.

Plus, out of all the stuff I've put out for almost 10 straight years, this has been the most raved about and well received by EVERYONE who's seen it.

The best part is, I show you every step of the process so it's easy.

Trust me. It's big. REALLY BIG.

DVD #2: Mass Control Does Denver (approx. 2 hours)

This is exclusive footage from a sold out $5,000.00 per person workshop that Jeff Walker hosted.

I attended that workshop ...and decided to speak at the last minute (as in 20 minutes before I walked on stage.)

During that (now infamous) speech, I laid the entire groundwork for what would later become MASS CONTROL.

In fact, this DVD is the reason I released Mass Control. The feedback and response was so great that I knew it would be a huge hit (which it was).

So there you have it.


All you gotta do is get Traffic Secrets before midnight on July 16th.

I've already extended this an extra day, so this is it.

The reason I'm being strict on the time is because:

1. Time Scarcity WORKS.

2. I don't want to deal with keeping track of this stuff forever.

Enjoy Traffic Secrets,


P.S. Feel free to tell anyone you want about this.

P.P.S. There really is NO catch. Just get it from ANYONE
before midnight tomorrow and I'll hook you up.

P.P.P.S. There's a *huge* marketing lesson in the reason why I'm doing this.

I'll try and be brief:


Learned that from a guy named Bud Armstrong.
Lemme try to explain it.

It's stupid for me to try and "nickle and dime" you on promotions like this. That's what a HOG would do.

I mean hell, Traffic Secrets 2.0 is only $395 anyway. So I'd make what ...two hundred bucks if you bought through my link?


It's not worth it for me to try to "out do" everyone else for a lousy $200.

Instead, I'll simply be cool to EVERYONE and rise *way* above the noise by doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what my competition is doing.

And by giving my bonus to everyone, I accomplish a lot more than a few commissions.


And the good will this generates will be priceless (how do you think I sell so much stuff anyway?).

It's like I'm planting an acorn that will grow into a mighty oak.

Plus, I'm also doing this because ...well ... BECAUSE I CAN.

A little extra good karma never hurt a soul.

Pay it forward.

P.P.P.P.S. If you're one of those weird people (like me) who scroll straight to the PS, here's what you're looking for:

1. Every single person under the sun who gets traffic Secrets before midnight tomorrow will also get two DVDs from me.

2. It doesn't matter who's link you order from. And even if you already got a copy - you're covered.

3. http://www.trafficsecrets.com would be the best place to go at this point.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ListCleaner v1.0 And Video

I have made a new program that cleans your keyword lists by batch.
It is pretty sweet and will save your Adsense account from being
deleted if your keyword lists are dirty.

You can view a video below of the program in action:


You can download the program below:


Talk soon,

Joseph Tierney

545B Lee Ave
Satellite Beach
FL 32937
United States

Traffic Secrets 2.0 OR all our best products free! Take your pick...

Hey Max, yesterday I sent you an email letting you know that John Reese (The guru to the gurus in the internet marketing world) is releasing Traffic Secrets 2.0 today at noon 12:00 EST.

Version 1.0 of this course is what REALLY took me from doing "ok" online to building a business I can truly be proud of.

Anyway, in the email I told you that when you invest in Traffic Secrets 2.0 I would give you all 3 of our best selling products, in effect, canceling out your payment of Traffic Secrets 2.0.

Yes, if you're wondering... the math doesn't really add up in my favor, but I want to make sure you don't pass this up.

Here's what you'll need to do to get TS 2.0 and a free copy of all of our best selling products:

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Lifetime Advanced Linkmetro membership ($240/year)

1. Go here and get Traffic Secrets 2.0:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm

2. Contact Nancy or Jim in the help desk and give them the following:
- receipt number for Traffic Secrets 2.0
- first and last name
- email address
- website you want upgraded to Advanced in Linkmetro

3. That's it. Nancy or Jim will send you download information for all 3 products.
Then just enjoy the course and ALL of our best selling products!

Make sure you go there at 12:00 noon EST today (Tuesday the 15th) as that's when the course will be available.

... and don't forget to submit a support ticket to us afterwards, so we know where to send you all of our products :-)

Talk soon.

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Get it here: http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm
P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077

Monday, July 14, 2008

Get John Reese's Traffic Secrets 2.0 free?

Hey Max, as you likely already know, the internet marketing world's guru of all gurus is releasing version 2.0 of the famed Traffic Secrets course tomorrow (Tuesday July 15th) at 12:00 noon EST.

Now, I know for a fact this course will help you succeed on the internet. If I hadn't purchased version 1.0 of this course when it came out several years ago, you would likely never have received a single email from me over the past 4 years.

You see, it was Traffic Secrets 1.0 that taught me the importance of building and email list. It's through this email newsletter that I've been able to build strong friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. It's transformed the way I do business on the internet.

Ok, back to the point at hand...

The subject line of this email was "Get John Reese's Traffic Secrets 2.0 free?"

Let me explain. Way back when I purchased version 1.0, I remember very vividly being excited about getting a copy of the course, but at that time it was VERY expensive. I believe it was roughly $1,200 give or take a hundred.

This time around, John is selling version 2.0 for nowhere near that much, but I know, if you're like I was, parting with money is not something that's easy to do, even if you have my, or anyone else's, word that if you do what it says, you WILL get a huge return on your investment.

So... what I am willing to do, and I've only does this onece EVER, is give you copies of all 3 of our best selling products, essentially making Traffic Secrets free!

1. SEO Elite ($167)
2. Keyword Elite ($176)
3. Lifetime Advanced Linkmetro membership ($240/year)

... and all you'll need to do is invest in John's Traffic Secrets 2.0 course.

These are our 3 best selling products. These products have been used successfully by more internet marketers than any other programs ever created in the internet marketing industry and I'm giving them to you to offset the cost of Traffic Secrets 2.0 for you :-)

So, to summarize, here's all you need to do:

1. Go here and get Traffic Secrets 2.0:
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm

2. Contact Nancy or Jim in the help desk and give them the following:
- receipt number for Traffic Secrets 2.0
- first and last name
- email address
- website you want upgraded to Advanced in Linkmetro

3. That's it. Nancy or Jim will send you download information for all 3 products.
Then just enjoy the course and ALL of our best selling products!

I hope this email finds you as excited as I am. I'll also be getting a copy of the course. I did receive a PDF of what's included in the physical course, but will be buying the full package as well.

Talk soon!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Grab Traffic Secrets 2.0 here and get all of our best selling products for free!
=> http://www.imwishlist.com/traffic-secrets.htm
P.O. Box 856, Zionsville, IN 46077