Monday, August 25, 2008

A Personal Trainer for Income!

Have you ever wondered how people can go to the gym for months or years with no results, then after just a few weeks of using a personal trainer show dramatic results?
What if there were personal trainers for generating Income Online?
Someone to hold you by the hand and work with you every step of the way UNTIL you got results!
A person who had achieved massive income results in a short period of time and then agreed to share exactly how that happened and better yet, coach and train you until
you achieved dramatic results?
Well Maxim, next week, you will have the opportunity to get those results.
For the first time in my Internet Marketing career I will begin working with a very small number of people on a one on one basis to finally help them get the results they have been working so hard to achieve.
White Hat, Black Hat, and everything in between will be revealed to this small group of people.
In fact a few of the techniques are so valuable I will be requiring that each person sign a non disclosure agreement.
Some of you may know that I recently moved my parents down to Dallas from Missouri, and they needed an income to replace the part time job they held in retirement back home.
In one month I generated a turn key $6,000 income for them using just one of these techniques. But more importantly than a quick buck, I love to teach and help
others make money and develop long term strategies for building a online empire!
It's why I published so many eBooks teaching exact methods then gave them all away!
Starting next week I will get the chance to partner with 10-15 people and develop their own personal plan, then coach them every step of the way to Results!
I cant wait!
If you think you are at a point in your Internet Marketing Career to go from participant to Results, watch your email over the next few days, Ill be sharing more about the coaching program I've put together for you!
If you have specific questions reply back and Ill try to get them all answered in the next email update!
Until then keep an eye out for the next email.

Scott Boulch
Nada Guru

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