Friday, August 28, 2009

Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Mac OS X Snow Leopard - The World's Most Advanced Operating System Finally Tuned!

Snow Leopard is a truly exciting addition to the Mac OS X line, with half the footprint of previous versions, great new features in Expose & Stacks, quicker Time Machine backup, and faster wireless network interaction.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard is an even more powerful and refined version of the world's most advanced operating system. In ways big and small, it gets faster, more reliable, and easier to use. New core technologies unleash the power of today's advanced hardware technology and prepare Mac OS X for future innovation. And Snow Leopard includes built-in support for the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server, so you can use your Mac at home and at work. So upgrade from Mac OS X Leopard with Snow Leopard, a simpler, more powerful, and more refined version of Mac OS X. Out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange - Snow Leopard includes out-of-the-box support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in Mail, iCal, and Address Book, so it's easier than ever to take your Mac to work. Safari 4 - The latest version of the blazing-fast web browser delivers up to 50 percent faster JavaScript performance and is more resistant to crashes than ever. Universal Access - Every Mac comes standard with a wide range of assistive - or Universal Access - technologies that help people with disabilities experience what the Mac has to offer. Snow Leopard continues this support with a variety of innovative features that advance accessibility even further. System Requirements - Mac computer with an Intel processor, OS X 10.5, 1GB of memory, 5GB of available disk space, DVD drive for installation, Some features require a compatible Internet's service provider or Apple's MobileMe service.
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard is built on a rock-solid, time-tested UNIX foundation that provides unparalleled stability as well as industry-leading support for Internet standards
  • Improvements include a more responsive Finder, new look and features for Exposé and Stacks, quicker Time Machine backup, faster common tasks and installation, a smaller install footprint, and plenty more
  • New core technologies unleash the power of today's advanced hardware technology and prepare Mac OS X for future innovation: 64-bit computing, multicore-optimization, OpenCL, QuickTime X, and more
  • With virtually no effort on your part, Mac OS X protects itself--and you--from viruses, malicious applications, and other threats
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes built-in support for the latest version of Microsoft Exchange Server, so you can use Mail, iCal, and Address Book at home and at work
Current Mac OS 10.5 Leopard users are eligible to upgrade to Snow Leopard at the very low price of $29.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Disable Exim Message Logging

Exim has a dirty habbit of storing useless logs and not cleaning after itself that can eat up all your disk space on /var if not taken care of. Exim msglog is the cuplrit and we have a solution for you.

There is a very simple and easy fix for this one: simply add the following to your exim.conf:
# turn off writing of logs to /var/spool/exim/msglog/  and /var/spool/exim/input/

Save and restart Exim.

Check MySQL Disk Space Usage

Check your /var/lib/mysql directory size to know how much space your databases are using.

Iptables Rules File Location

Stop your firewall
# /etc/init.d/iptables stop
To make changes in your iptables rules edit your /var/lib/iptables/rules-save file
Mine is
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 111 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 111 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 23 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 110 -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 110 -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j DROP
-A INPUT -p icmp -j DROP
-A FORWARD -i venet0 -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0 -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 3/3 -j DROP
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 143 -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 143 -j DROP
Than start iptables
# /etc/init.d/iptables start
Check # iptables -L to see the changes.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't open?

Cheesy subject, I know... but it's one that has been proven to receive high open rates. I'd highly suggest using variations of that in your own email marketing.

Anyway, the reason for the email is very important. I want to do two things:
  1. Let you know about a specific affiliate marketing strategy that has worked very well for us.
  2. Let you know where I learned this strategy a long time ago... Way back when the site was open to members. And how they are finally re-opening their membership today at 12:00 noon EST.

Ok, first thing's first, the affiliate strategy that I learned goes like this...

  • You create a review site
  • You pick a few products in Clickbank to review
  • You do a written review of it and don't sound hypie. Be honest. Give the pros and cons.
  • Create a video review of it using a screen cam software product like Camtasia. In the video review, simply go through the product's salesletter and compare the actual product with what's described in the salesletter. THIS is what people want to know. They want to know if the salesletter delivers on each of it's promises.

So, in your video review, just go through the salesletter and talk specifically about each bullet point etc.

- At the end of the review, give your affiliate link to the product.

And that's it! You'll get conversion rates around 10% for this type of product review!

Alright, now here is where I learned much of this from when it was open to new members:


I HIGHLY suggest joining, if only for a month, to learn a bunch of really unique strategies like this one.

I can attest to the fact that this stuff works.

They're opening up membership at 12:00 noon EST today and will then close it up again for many months, so I strongly urge you to visit the link below and join for just 1 month...

Take some strategies. Implement them. And then decide if you want to remain a member.


That's it for now. Have a GREAT week!

Oh, and Keyword Elite 2.0 is coming this month! So, be on the lookout for an email from me. You're going to be blown away.

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why i'm all "weirded out"

I just agreed to speak at this huge event and I'm nervous as hell about it:

The reason why is two-fold:
  1. I'll be talking about all new stuff ...things I've never spoken about before ...and I think the subject matter might freak people out.
  2. This event is a *big deal*. In many ways, it's like the "Oscars" of marketing because everyone will be there.

..Not just people from "our" marketing world, but super heavy entrepreneurs like George Foreman and Dan Kennedy will be presenting.

Plus, the people in the audience are all whip-smart bad asses ...many with successful info-marketing businesses in the million dollars (and more) range.

So I'm excited and nervous at the same time, I guess.

Anyway - if you decide to come (you should), let me know and I'll see if I can hook you up with good seats.

Here's the scoop:

Talk soon,
Frank Kern