Monday, February 16, 2009

LAST CALL! (And $4 Million Says, "Recession What!?")

While the media is preaching "Doom & Gloom" of how people aren't buying stuff, etc. Frank Kern just *PROVED* that a lot of it is simply OVERHYPED SENSATIONALISM.

Frank's Mass Control 2.0 launch today has brought in over $4 MILLION in orders (and counting!)

He's quickly approaching a SELL OUT any moment.

If you haven't yet gotten your copy of Mass Control 2.0 DON'T WAIT or you'll be kicking yourself.

Nearly 2,000 other marketers just like you have put in their order and are ready to grow their business right away.

If you hurry you can get a copy of Mass Control 2.0 the "money-getting system" before they're all gone...


I'll still honor my special bonus offer! So if you order right now using my link you'll get thousands of dollars in additional bonuses from me.

Here's my link to place your order (but you must hurry):

And here's another run-down from my other email about the SPECIAL BONUS GIFTS that I'm going to give you if you order with my affiliate link...


If you're interested in buying Frank's new course, and I give it my highest recommendation, then I've got some nice GIFTS for you if you place your order using my affiliate link...

You will get TWO BONUS GIFTS...

1). You get the full recordings to an amazing Web Class I recently taught. The class was called the "2009 Business Accelerator Web Class."

In this powerful class we covered the A-To-Z of how to make 2009 the best year of your life -- even in this challenging economy.

2.) For your 2ND GIFT you will get a CHOICE between two options...


A copy of my "Reese Report Collection." ($2,000 Value)

This is a 900-page, 40 CD-Rom course that contains a wealth of Internet Marketing information -- it covers practically every aspect of marketing online that you can think of. It also covers TONS of different niche markets and gives you ideas for how to make money from them.

* Only 1,000 copies of this Collection will ever be released and I have some left that will be given to those that take advantage of this special offer. (First come, first served only, of course.)

You can read more about the details of what is in this "Reese Report Collection" here:



My "Internet Marketing Advisor" Web Course ($2,495 Value)

I have only offered this class one-time so far, and this class sold out in 12 MINUTES. It was one of the highest-demand products that I've ever released.

In this class I taught how to make money from the lucrative "Internet Marketing" market. Whether you want to be a guru, speak on stage, or just make a lot of money by selling to the lucrative IM market, this class taught tons of secrets for how to do it.

The IM market (i.e. "make money online" market) is going to experience tremendous growth especially during tough economic times (as others look to make additional income.)

So this is a great course to teach you how to take advantage of it. You'll get full recordings (digital download) of the entire class curriculum including the PDF handouts.


You probably don't realize this but you're also going to get ANOTHER BONUS in addition to all this stuff from Frank himself. Anyone that buys Mass Control 2.0 upon its release is going to get a Free Ticket to a private seminar that Frank is holding in April. He hasn't officially announced it yet but you'll be getting a Free Ticket to that special event.


Here's How To Take Advantage Of These Special Bonus Gifts:

1.) When Mass Control 2.0 officially goes on sale on Monday, February 16th, 2009 at 10AM PST (1PM EST) you will need to use the following link to go to the site and place your order (which is my affiliate link):

2.) After you have placed your order you will need to send an email copy of your receipt to Andy Hussong at

Tell Andy which of the two bonuses (RR Collection or IMA Class) that you would like.

We will make sure and get those out to you right away.

I'll be in touch soon!

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

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