Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why i'm all "weirded out"

I just agreed to speak at this huge event and I'm nervous as hell about it:

The reason why is two-fold:
  1. I'll be talking about all new stuff ...things I've never spoken about before ...and I think the subject matter might freak people out.
  2. This event is a *big deal*. In many ways, it's like the "Oscars" of marketing because everyone will be there.

..Not just people from "our" marketing world, but super heavy entrepreneurs like George Foreman and Dan Kennedy will be presenting.

Plus, the people in the audience are all whip-smart bad asses ...many with successful info-marketing businesses in the million dollars (and more) range.

So I'm excited and nervous at the same time, I guess.

Anyway - if you decide to come (you should), let me know and I'll see if I can hook you up with good seats.

Here's the scoop:

Talk soon,
Frank Kern

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