Friday, June 19, 2009


I bought this almost 2 years ago and it immediately went off the market:

It's available again now and it's awesome. In fact, I think this is the coolest money-getting tool of it's kind ...period.

I'm totally HOOKED on my copy and the version you're getting is even *cooler*.

I'm telling you, this is worth 20 times the price if you actually use it.

It's pretty rare that I come out and just blatantly tell you to go buy something. You know ...I usually try to be at least a little subtle about it or something, right?

But not this time. This is a big deal. I couldn't live without this and I want you to get it before it goes off the market again.

Talk soon,

P.S. When I got mine almost 2 years ago, there were a few bugs with the program. (That happens to the best of us.)

What really stood out (and why I'm such a raving fan) is the INCREDIBLE level of customer service I got when I reported them.

I know that "good service" isn't really a selling point ...but it's so rare in our industry that it's kind of a big deal.

Anyway - I vouch for this 1000%. It is the REAL DEAL.
Get it:

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