Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Clickbank money getting system LIVE! (Watch my video proof)

Hey, well, as I mentioned last week, there's alot of excellent courses being released throughout this summer.

The one I want to tell you about today teaches how to use a specific website (Clickbank) to make a great, full-time living strictly from the internet.

I can completely attest to this because the majority of our business is done on this website... Clickbank.

I want to prove to you, without a shadow of doubt, that it IS possible to make more money on Clickbank than most CEOs of large companies.

I made a very short video where I actually log in to my Clickbank accounts, live, and show you what I was fortunate enough to earn through Clickbank in 2008. I do this ONLY to motivate you and show you that if I can do it, you CAN too!

Here is the video: http://www.bradcallen.com/Proof.htm

Now, with that said, I want to let you know about the brand new "Clickbank teaching" course that is being released today at 3:00pm EST.

I don't have a copy of the course, but know the 2 guys that created it and both earn over 1 million bucks online each year, strictly through Clickbank... so they know what they're talking about. I also know that you can make a ton with Clickbank if you know what you're doing.

In the course, they'll be teaching you the strategies they use to earn the kind of income they do. It isn't cheap, but I can guarantee it's well worth it.

What I always like to do when I recommend a product, is sweeten the deal by giving you something else, of extreme value, to help you even more...

I don't like to "pitch" stuff at you or anyone else, because I simply don't like when others do that to me. So, I hope this doesn't come across as a "pitch fest" type of email.

I'd like to give you a free copy of BOTH Article Submitter Platinum, which sells for $147, and Directory Submitter Gold, which sells for $97, if you follow the steps below and grab a copy of the brand new Clickbank course.

No strings attached. Just follow the steps below. Benefit from the course. Get the free software that thousands have paid full price for. And be 110% happy :-)

Here are the steps, but make sure you do them today, as I can't make this offer available forever, since we still sell these software products every day at full price.

Step 1: Go here at 3:00pm EST and get a copy of the Clickbank course.
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/ClickbankSecrets.htm

Step 2: Submit a support ticket containing your name, email address and receipt number below to the "Claim Bonuses" department. You must include all 3 so we can send you the bonuses:

Step 3: That's it. We'll reply to your ticket as quickly as we can. It might take a couple of days because we always get super swamped with tickets when we make really high value offers like this, so please be patient :-)

That's all for now. Enjoy the course today! You WILL learn a ton. I can promise you that.

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Make sure you visit the site and grab your copy of the Clickbank
course today at 3:00pm EST and then let us know so we can
send you free copies of 2 of our best selling products. Here's the
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/ClickbankSecrets.htm

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