Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hey blogger. About the google scraping bans we get.

Hey blogger.

This is just a quick mail to let you know about Serpscraper.
I was supposed to send an email out a few weeks ago but i think i forgot.
Sorry if this is the second email you got.

You can read more about it on the serpscraper page http://serpscraper.com/
But let me tell you a bit about it in my words.

There are loads of free php scripts that do almost the same as what serpscraper does.

What seperates Serpscraper from these php scripts some coder threw together in a few hours?

It dosent get banned for scraping!
That has to be the main feature.

I see people search for free php scripts to scrape google.

Then a few days later after they have ironed the bugs out they are searching for a proxy script because google and yahoo keep banning them.

A few days later they are searching for proxy lists to use with the buggy script they are using to bypass the dreaded google spyware and the 999 yahoo message.

A week has maybe passed and they still havent scraped a single thing.
They valued a week of their time at $99.

Why $99?

Thats because serpscraper only costs $99 and very rarely if ever gets your ip banned.
There is proxy support but i never needed it and i have been using serpscraper for ages from my desktop and 2 virtual machines on my servers.

I dont know how neek managed to get round the banning in google and yahoo and to be honest i never asked or really cared because all that matters is that i dont get banned and i get the data i need.

Serpscraper is perfect for grabbing fresh targets for Autopligg and is perfect for any link harvesting from the search engines you may need to do.

Check out the Serpscraper page at http://serpscraper.com/
Any questions you can just ask them in syndk8.

Peace out from Earl Grey

And as always you can unsubscribe from these pesky darned emails by asking me to delete your account in syndk8.

Please email earl@earlofgrey.com with the subject line "i am a whingy whiner and dont know how to delete an email so please delete my syndk8 account because getting one email every few months from syndk8 is just too much for me to cope with".

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