Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Your ticket to history

Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States of America on January 20th, 2009.

It will be an unprecedented event in the history of our country, and hundreds of thousands of people will come together in Washington, D.C. to share the moment.

Supporters like you made this happen. You know that real change comes from the bottom up, not from the top down, and Barack and Joe want you to join them on this historic day. They want to start off this administration with the people who worked so hard and will continue to fight for change with them.

Between now and January 8th, 10 supporters and their guests will be selected to join the Inaugural activities.

If you make a donation -- in any amount -- to make the Inauguration a success, you and a guest could be flown to Washington, D.C., put up in a hotel, and be there as Barack is sworn in as the 44th President.

Make a donation of $5 or more right now. You and a guest could receive your ticket to history.

Unlike past inaugurations, this year's event will not be paid for by Washington lobbyists or corporations.

This campaign was funded by 4 million ordinary people giving only what they could afford, and Barack and Joe are counting on you again. Help start this administration off right -- independent of the special interest donors who have shaped Washington for too long.

This Inauguration will be open to as many Americans as possible. We'll all come together to celebrate the hope and optimism that define this movement for change.

But you could be one of 10 selected to join us in Washington for all Inaugural events. Any donation you make between now and January 8th counts -- whatever you can afford.

Show your support for a different kind of politics and a different kind of inauguration with a donation of $5 or more today:


The Inauguration will be a once-in-a-lifetime event. I hope you can join us.

Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you cannot make a donation, you and a guest could still be selected to receive your ticket to history. Learn more here.

Top Google listings are impossible (say what!?)

"Top Google listings are impossible."

Well, if you read the blogs and newsletters nowadays that's the word on the street.

You see, Google and the other major engines are extremely sophisticated. By using advanced Bayesian filters and other techniques, they're able to quickly discern real content from so-called "spam", or computer-created, content.

Until now...!

We're extremely proud to release Markov Engine. Developed by Math PhDs from UC Berkeley, Markov Engine literally turns the tables on the search engines.

Markov Engine WRITES content -- 1000s and 1000s of pages of content -- that is INDISTINGUISHABLE from actual humans. For the first time, you now have computer software that will literally get you 100s of top listings in the engines. Why? Because NO OTHER software can automatically write content, on any topic, that is unique, legible, and will BEAT search engine spam filters.

Check it out: Markov Engine.

Best wishes,

The 1 service you should be using in 2009...

Hey Max, as 2009 is quickly approaching, there's 1 thing that I see as becoming critical to our businesses.

... and that one thing is to "become more transparent" with what we're doing in our online businesses.

As the internet grows and develops, one thing is becoming evident. We cannot ignore the fact that social media is taking over the internet.

It's no longer enough to have just a one way communication between product owner and customer. In my opinion it needs to be a 2 way conversation.

A 2 way conversation where you get to see what I'm doing, working on, etc. each day, and vice versa.

In 2009 it's my goal to become closer friends with everyone.

I can't stand the "big business" mindset, and hopefully you can tell that I like more of a "personal approach".

With that said, I've finally set up a Twitter account. If you don't know what Twitter is, just "Google it", but I'm assuming most people know what it is.

=> http://twitter.com/brad_callen

Someone had already taken the username "brad callen" so I had to use an underscore between my first and last name. It'll serve it's purpose though.

Ok, so if you want to:

1. See what I'm doing on an hourly basis

2. View random pictures I take throughout the day of the office, my home, family etc.

3. Know what books I'm currently learning from

... and so on, then visit below and follow me on Twitter.

Follow these steps to follow me on Twitter:

Step 1: Go to: http://twitter.com/brad_callen and click the "follow" button under my picture. If you don't have an account already, then proceed to step 2 below.

Step 2: If you don't have an account already, you'll need to do this:
=> http://screencast.com/t/HYT0F50Dg4J

Step 3: That's it!

If you don't have a Twitter account, you really should get one, because Twitter is honestly the next big thing. Don't miss out on this one while it's still new.

Go there now and register your name, or you'll end up with an underscore between your first and last name, like I did :-)

Hope you had a nice Holiday, and I hope to hear from you on Twitter!

Talk soon,

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
P.S. Follow what I'm doing each day by following me on Twitter:
=> http://twitter.com/brad_callen

Monday, December 29, 2008

Here's The Sneak Preview I Promised You

* I apologize if you received this more than once. We're working to fix a "duplicates" glitch in our mail system that is affecting some of my subscribers. (Thank you.)

Here's the SNEAK PREVIEW of what's being released on Tuesday, December 30th at exactly Noon EST.

It's a VERY LIMITED release and I have no choice but to offer it on a first come, first served basis.

(You'll understand after reading all the details.)

Here's Your Sneak Preview:

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Friday, December 26, 2008

More search engine listings = a good thing

So you're still not sold on Search Engine Cloaker?

Okay, let me throw out a few facts for you.

Traffic from search engines is very valuable. It is super-targeted, free, and comes day after day. Search engines create their listings by sending out "spiders" to explore the entire Web.

It's hard to get good listings in search engines because:

* Competitors spend night-and-day submitting highly optimized pages to drown yours out.
* Your site is too small, consisting of only a few pages, meaning you will only get a few listings.
* Your site doesn't use the right combination of keywords.

That's where Cloaker steps in!

Search Engine Cloaker is used by hundreds of top-ranked Webmasters to increase their search engine listings. Cloaker makes the search engine spiders think your site consists of thousands of optimized pages, even if you only have a very small site, or no site at all! With Cloaker, you can get more listings, more quickly, and with better rankings for targeted keywords. Best of all, Cloaker is easy to install, totally configurable, and fun to play with.

Cloaker outsmarts search engines

Cloaker instantly recognizes search engine spiders when they visit your site. Search Engine Cloaker dynamically creates optimized pages for these spiders from keywords that you have picked. These pages have many links that point back to Cloaker. This prompts the spider to explore even more! Each page, when indexed in the engine, will deliver a reliable stream of traffic. Cloaker helps deliver traffic

By showing spiders hundreds of cloaked pages, you increase your listing potential. The more pages, the more listings you get! Real users, when they visit a cloaked page, will instantly be redirected to any URL you choose. They will never see a cloaked page, as they will be server-side redirected to wherever you like! By presenting the spiders with so much variety in the pages, you can get many top keyword rankings.

When you purchase, you get complete, step-by-step installation instructions, including a detailed manual, tips & tricks, and much more! Easy Web-based Management Console lets you control everything! Completely control the keywords that are used to generate the cloaked pages that only the search engines can see. Alter Titles, Meta Keywords, Meta Descriptions, and more!

We believe Cloaker generates traffic more quickly, more reliably, more professionally than any other solution!

Ready to order? Here you go:


Peter Bray

P.S., Call me at 503-231-7383, or just reply to this email, if you have any questions.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Disable "Install missing plugin" message in Firefox

In address bar type about:config and set plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin to true.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Start Firefox in Online Mode on Ubuntu

When you see this message:
Place browser in on-line mode

Type in address bar about:config and set toolkit.networkmanager.disable to true

Monday, December 15, 2008

Get & Give The Deal Of A Lifetime

Pay attention. I mean it. :)

An incredibly valuable once-a-year event starts very soon and you don't want to miss out.

(I'm not kidding.)

Every year some of the world's best Internet marketers give their predictions for the coming year and they raise funds for children in need.

Aside from the fact that you can make a massive difference in the lives of children that can't even afford simple things LIKE FOOD you can get the information and strategies you'll need to make 2009 your best year ever!

I'll be one of the marketers doing a live call during this event (I'm actually on the Board of this great charity) and you definitely don't want to miss out.

* If you can't attend one of the 30+ LIVE interviews you don't have to worry - you'll get access to all the recordings so you can listen to them on your own schedule. And you'll also get some amazing bonuses too!

I would personally like to ask you, no, BEG YOU for your help. We are really making an incredible difference in the lives of so many kids that can't help themselves and really have no other way to have a better life.

So please JOIN ME for this valuable event and help some children that need you at the same time:


I look forward to seeing you on my call!

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Install Webalizer on Gentoo and use Cron

Webalizer is a program that analyses your apache webserver log and generates webpages complete with graphs of the traffics.

It's a little bit more difficult to install than logrotate. Start by emerging webalizer, which will install the files on your computer.

# emerge -av webalizer

Currently the text messages after installing webalizer are a bit outdated, contrary to what it says don't add anything to the apache.conf file, apache2 already will read the config file for webalizer because it's in the /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d directory. But you do need to restart apache to get webalizer to work:

# /etc/runlevels/default/apache2 restart

If you look at http://localhost/webalizer you will still see nothing, this is because no stat files have been generated yet. Create a new file called webalizer.cron (such as the cron.daily directory, if you want updated stats to build each night).
File: /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

#! /bin/sh

Now you have created the file, but you must also make it executable in order for cron to be able to run it.

# chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

To test that it's executable, and to generate your first stats you just run the program. Do this by typing in its name:

# /etc/cron.daily/webalizer.cron

You will see some output from webalizer that it generates the information, and you can now visit your local computer under the http://localhost/webalizer and see your stats.

Edit /etc/webalizer.conf:
LogFile /var/log/apache2/access_log
OutputDir /home/webmaster/www/domain.tld/webalizer/

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is crazy... He makes $100,000/day without a website or a product.

Hey Max, about 1 month ago I was invited to a private seminar help in Las Vegas. I didn't end up going because I hadn't heard of the guy that was doing the teaching.

It was some 25 year old kid that was supposedly banking 50,000 to 100,000 bucks per day without a website, product, or email list.

I just brushed it off as a "yeah, right... that's just plain stupid, and can't be true." I mean, who really makes that much? Nobody I know.

Well, come to find out, many of my internet marketing friends were also given the private invite to this seminar in Vegas.

Some of the guys that attended were BIG name gurus like:

- Mike Filsaime
- Russel Brunson
- Eben Pagen
- Brad Fallon
- Tellman Knudson

... and a bunch of other guys

After speaking with them after the seminar, I wanted to kick myself in the face for not attending. They were all blown away... and if these guys were blown away, I'm 100% certain what was taught had to be true, and had to be something that's not common knowledge.

Anyway, here I am 1 month later and was just told that the 25 year old kid that put on the seminar and taught his strategies is teaching EVERYTHING taught at the seminar, again, in a 12 week coaching course! (pardon my excitement)

I signed up this morning and wanted to let you know that the site is still up, so apparently he's allowing more people in. I have no idea how many more slots he has, but based on previous experience with these types offers, only so many can be sold.

I STRONGLY urge you to go to the site and read up on what we'll be learning together from this coaching class.

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm

I don't think I've been this excited about a product since John Reese launched Traffic Secrets many years ago.

So, again, if you're looking for an actual proven "system" for making more cash online - a system that nobody knows about, then don't pass this up.

Here's where you can get a copy:

=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm

I hope you're excited as I am. Enjoy!

Brad Callen
Bryxen Software, Inc.
Here's the link 1 more time, if you skipped through the entire
email to the PS.
=> http://www.bradcallen.com/New-Course.htm